Welcome to the Coventry Homeowner Association Website

August 2005 Policy Statement Regarding Violations of Coventry Covenants*

Your Board of Directors is continuing to look to the future, trying to ensure that Coventry remains an attractive neighborhood. With that in mind, the Board has developed the following guidelines to maintain harmony and to aid in preventing violations of the Covenants (to which we all agreed to abide by when moving here). The Board has no intention of abusing this power and will use discretion in setting fines according to the incident(s), and will do so under North Carolina's Planned Community Act. The primary purpose of this Policy Statement is to aid in maintaining property values and to prevent infractions, as well as to inform homeowners how the Board addresses Covenant issues. If a Board member becomes aware of an infraction, he or she will inform other Board members to determine if the situation warrants any action. If so, the following steps will be followed:

  1. Homeowner will be contacted in person by a Board member stating the complaint or issue and given possible solutions and reasonable timetable for compliance.
  2. If corrective action has not been taken within the time specified in Step 1, the homeowner will receive a letter , once again stating the issue, and a time frame for which to comply.
  3. If corrective action has still not been taken as a result of Step 2, then a final warning letter will be sent indicating the next communication would be about initiating enforcement action if compliance is not achieved in the stated final time frame.
  4. If the issue is still not resolved at the conclusion of Step 3, then the Board of Directors will meet to determine possible fines using the Planned Community Act as a guide. The homeowner will be invited to this meeting to present their situation if they choose. If a fine is levied, the homeowner will be formally notified of this in writing with a time frame in which to pay the fine and also to alert the homeowner that a lien may be placed on property for unpaid fines.
  5. If the fine is unpaid, then a lien will be placed against property for fines that remain unpaid and /or violations that continue.
  6. If the violation continues and/or the fine is not paid, the lien may be perfected by filing a lawsuit seeking the right to sell the property and recover costs.

The Board is aware that there may be situations requiring special consideration regarding a particular Covenant. Please note that all reasonable requests submitted will be carefully considered (e.g., you have relatives coming to town who need to park on the street for a week, or you wish to park your boat, truck or RV in your driveway overnight in order to clean or maintain it). The Board also agrees that infractions that occurred prior to the homeowners taking over the Association will be grandfathered (i.e., no action will be taken).

Again, it cannot be overstated that no one wants an issue to go beyond Step 1 - homeowner contact, resulting in corrective action. After all, Board members are homeowners first and Board members second! If you have questions regarding what is or is not a violation, please refer to the Covenants on our website.

*Approved at the 2005 Meeting of the Coventry Homeowner Association, with 2014 Board approved modifications to include specific reference to North Carolina's Planned Community Act and minor updates over time.

All information contained in the Coventry website is current as of February 20, 2024. Coventry Homeowner Association members may send comments about our website to the Site Administrator by emailing cal@clarionconsultinginc.com

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